Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Train Up A Child

Okay, I had really high hopes for all the posting I was going to get done tonight, but Alex had a bit of a run-in with a chair as he was trying to escape a bit of a run-in with the dog, and his forehead is now sporting a lovely blue-ish goose egg with a bright red center. I am sure most of you heard All The Screaming, as I am certain that people in some parts of Canada wondered, "Why do I hear a young child yelling at the top of his lungs? Could that be Alex in Alabama?"

Let me put it this way: he was so upset that I let him have a blueberry PopTart, Cheetos, and Sprite for supper. Grief-stricken, that's what he was.

The next step in his recovery process was for Mama to play trains. I haven't talked about Alex's deep and abiding love of trains, but he is what you might call obsessed. So we went upstairs, and apparently getting down at eye level with the track made him feel much, much better.

Then we had some fun.

And if you look closely on the left side of his forehead, you will see the Frankenstein-ish bump that completely altered my evening plans. God love him.

After he finally went to bed, I fried lots of bacon for tomorrow and watched "American Idol," and I have LOTS to say about that (AI, not bacon).

Stay tuned. Another friends post coming up in the next couple of days, too. Oh, EK.... :-)


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