Monday, May 01, 2006

Why Make It Simple When Complicated Is So Much More Fun?

So here’s how I ended up handling my blogroll.

I put in all the addresses I subscribe to via a feedreader, and the list was, oh, a mile or a mile and a half long.

Give or take a hundred or so yards.

I decided that it's better to keep it short and just rotate people on and off the blogroll – that way the list doesn’t get too overwhelming. Since I already have a LBY blogroll in the sidebar, I made a point to include folks in the new “roll” who aren’t in the study. Except for a couple of people who are in both, because I wanted to have 10 listings, because I’m OCD.

So there you have it. And as I run across new blogs I enjoy, I’ll add those, delete some, and basically keep a running list of stuff I think is fun.

I may not always agree wholeheartedly with some of the authors of the blogs I list – and odds are that you might not, either – but I do enjoy reading other people’s opinions, and I think we’re all grown enough to handle that.

At least I don’t overthink the simple stuff. Or anything.


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