Thursday, June 22, 2006

Frankly, It's Too Hot To Write

Alex and I made it safely to Mississippi, where, if it's possible, it's even hotter than it was at home. And it's humid. Yet parched. Paradise!

This will have to be short because Alex is about to go swimming and I need to put the second coat of SPF 50 (yes, you read correctly - my child inherited his mama's no-melanin-at-all skintone), but I wanted to at least check in.

And I did see my mother-in-law last night, who told me ALL about her recent trip to the beach (please do not think she actually went TO the beach. Oh no. She simply stayed in the condo and looked out AT the beach, and drove BY the beach, but why would you possibly go TO the beach, because, well, there's all that sand and it's just so damp and, well, your hair gets messed up!). I think my favorite comment - and I will confess to you that when she said this, my cousin Paige kicked me under the table, because Paige knew it would SO go on the blog - was this one:

"We drove down to the Crab Trap, the Crab Trap! But everybody says The Shrimp Basket is better but I don't know we didn't actually GO to The Shrimp Basket but we did go to a place where they throw rolls at you but the little boy? The one throwing the rolls? He knew I couldn't catch one so he just reached around, just crept around and sort of handed me one. And the portions! Well, the chicken was THIS big and then the potato was THIS big and it was just more than you could eat even if you didn't eat all day! And we went to this place called Norma's and it was the best chicken salad I have ever put in my mouth and oh, the bread pudding, and they had three sauces: a whiskey sauce, an amaretto sauce and a lemon sauce, and we all agreed that the lemon and amaretto were the best because the whiskey sauce was just too much, just too strong. I only like it when it's really cooked down, you know where it's milder, but it was just too much. And you know. Whiskey!"

And just think. I haven't even told you about her brake pad fiasco. But let's just say that when you put Martha with a mechanic - well, the storytelling fun never ends.

Alex was so tickled to see ALL his grandparents last night - it really is so sweet - and I knew we were in Spoiled Rotten territory when I sat down for breakfast this morning and looked at Alex's sippy cup that he had handed to Mama a few minutes before.

COKE. He had a sippy-cup FULL of "Co-Cola" at 8:15 in the morning.

Anybody think he'll be buck wild today? :-)


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